Toby and Lance are getting married this coming January in Canmore and I couldn’t be more excited!  Here’s a little more about my fabulous couple!

      If you could live in any city in the world, where would it be?

      Her: Amsterdam

      Him: For me, the city is not that important.  I would just love to live anywhere where Toby’s family and my family could all be in close proximity.

      How did he propose?

      The thing I love most about Lance’s proposal is the fact that he incorporated his father into it.  Lance and I had spent the evening at Theatre Calgary to see ‘A Christmas Carol’ and were en route back home.  Instead of waiting for me to get out of the car, I found it odd that he rushed into the house and left me alone to make my way inside.  When I entered our home, I thought I could smell candles burning and my first inclinition was that Lance left them burning all evening and could have burned our house down!  When I made my way downstairs, I realized all the lights were off and candles were lit everywhere.  From the bedroom, all I could hear Lance say was ‘Babe, can you come in here for a minute?’  I’m sure you know what I thought his intentions were before the proposal happened ; )  I walked into the bedroom and again, more candles were lit and our room was decorated with Christmas decorations (it was Decemeber), glow-stick hearts, poinsetta leaves, and other various decorations.  Lance was standing there looking terrified and handed me a card to open.  When I opened it, I found a picture of two little kids dressed up pretending to get married on the cover.  Lance wrote me a beautiful message in the card and before I could look up, he was on one knee with a ring box in his hand asking me to marry him : )  The best moment in my life, as I obviously said yes!!

      If you could describe your fiancé in one word, what would it be?

      Him: Loving

      What’s the most your fiancé has paid for a pair of shoes?

      Him: $250

      Her (real answer): $200

      What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

      Him: Run a marathon, boy was that dumb… would I do another one? Probably.

      Her: Whitewater rafting down the Kicking Horse during a time in the season when the water was high and very fast (good to note that I’m incredibly scared of water).  Our first trip down was absolutely terrifying and a friend of mine was actually thrown out of the boat and caught under it in the rapids for a few minutes when we hit the fastest section at a bad angle in the boat.  Our boat leader admitted after we finished that he was actually scared that she could have possible drowned if we didn’t get her out of the water when we did.  The second craziest thing I’ve ever done is after that first horrible run, I did it a second time! (the second time went much more smoothly fyi).

      What’s one thing in your fiancé’s closet that you’d love to throw away and why?

      Her: Lance has these terrible seal fur slippers that he got in Australia-formerly owned by his father- that I absolutely loathe.  Not only are they horribly ugly and look uncomfortable, but they also offend me as an animal lover.

      Who wears the pants in the relationship?

      Her: I would say Lance wears the pants 90% of the time and I get the other 10% ; )

      Him: I must admit that I probably wear the pants more often than not.  I’d say the ratio is 80%-20% though!

      If you were stranded on an island, what one thing would you bring?

      Him: Les Stroud if he was available, otherwise Toby :)

      Her: Lance, of course!! ; )


      Bragg Creek Engagement session // Calgary Wedding Photographer
