Brad and I were celebrating our 5th anniversary with Dinner and some fun at one of the trampoline parks here in town. On our way home I suggested we take a walk , Brad was driving so he stopped at the park behind our house , which happens to be overlooking Deerfoot. It was January so I wasn’t planning on walking far in the slippery snow. Brad stopped and I started talking about how much I loved this spot and that I always come here to sit after a run and relax. Suddenly he starts to get down on one knee and the entire time I was in disbelief .. I kept saying Really?? Really?? He pulled out a little plastic containers and inside was his moms engagement ring . It was amazing ! I was completely shocked
Honestly the most memorable moment(s) was going to fish creek park with Stephanie for photos it was just Brad and I. We have two young kids and quiet private time to just be ourselves and not mommy and daddy is rare. We both loved that special time just the two of us.
Ask for help ! All our friends and family were fantastic. they were there every step of the way. Always giving helping with last minute details and everything In between . I couldn’t have done it without them.
My favourite wedding detail .. Hmm .. It would have to be The emotion! From the many tears of joy, the excitement and smiles on people’s faces. All the love being sent our way ……man It was the best feeling.